How can I make a small house look expensive? Design strategies you should know |

Susan Howell

Your home might not have a large square footage but that doesn’t mean it can’t look expensive. It’s entirely feasible to make a small house look expensive, and an effect like this definitely doesn’t demand a big house.

What makes a house look expensive, whatever its size, does demand careful choices, of course, but they can result in a space that feels refined and sophisticated and pleasing to the eye and the sense of touch.

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How to paint trim with carpet: 5 professional methods |

Whether you have significant- or lower-pile carpets they frequently get in the way of portray all-around the house. So how do you paint trims with carpet?  Offered that it is amazingly complicated to get paint out of a carpet, defending the flooring when portray trim is essential – even if […]
How to paint trim with carpet: 5 professional methods |

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