6 Best Potting Soils for Indoor and Outdoor Plants 2023

Susan Howell
6 Best Potting Soils for Indoor and Outdoor Plants 2023

<p>On the other hand, some plants do benefit from specific soil types. “The media should reflect the natural habitat of the plant,” says Chalker-Scott. “For example, succulents and cacti do best in a coarse, sandy soil, while orchids that grow in trees do best in a rough, woody medium.” </p><p>When shopping locally, avoid buying bags that are saturated with water. Wet bags may compact and lose air spaces, which roots need to “breathe.” <a href=”https://ag.umass.edu/home-lawn-garden/fact-sheets/bagged-potting-mixes-garden-soils-for-home-gardeners” target=”_blank”>Soggy potting media also may release excess fertilizer</a> (if the bag is labeled as continuous feed, controlled release or slow release), which can harm your baby plants. </p><p>Also, here’s some good news if you’re thrifty: You <em>can</em> reuse old potting soil from previous year’s pots. “After old potting media has sat around for a while, it becomes compost,” says Chalker-Scott. “It doesn’t need any special treatment to ‘revive’ it. The material is still biologically active, with microbes freeing up nutrients as they decompose the material.” </p><p>The only exception: Don’t bring outdoor potting soil indoors because it may contain insect eggs, which can hatch once inside your home (yeah, definitely not something you want!), says Chalker-Scott. </p><p>Ahead, our top picks for the best potting soils for indoor and outdoor plants.</p>” />

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