these are the lessons learned |

Susan Howell

I’ve talked about the five times I’ve moved home before, slowly trading up from tiny one bed apartment to my current home, a five bed Victorian. Each home I’ve had, I’ve renovated from top to bottom. When I was younger, and much poorer, I did all the work I could myself; as I’ve gotten older, and busier, I’ve employed professionals. My first home had a tiny over-bath shower room; my second apartment, a more generous bathroom. My current home has two full bathrooms and two shower rooms, plus a further two powder rooms. 

In all, I count around 14 bathroom remodels, that I’ve done myself, excluding powder rooms. And that’s not counting all those bathroom design ideas I’ve helped friends and family with. Home additions aside, remodelling a bathroom is second only to a kitchen for spend, necessary forethought and planning, so getting it right is vital.

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Flooring Forensics: Adhesives in high-moisture environments

&#13 &#13 &#13 Household &#13 Information &#13 &#13 Flooring Forensics: Adhesives in higher-moisture environments – Aug/Sept 2022&#13 &#13 &#13 &#13 &#13 &#13 &#13 &#13 By Don Styka &#13 In my very long occupation as an installer, distributor rep and technical specialist for a flooring maker, I haven’t met an installer […]
Flooring Forensics: Adhesives in high-moisture environments

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