2023 Jeep Wrangler Adds Weatherproof Seats, Washout Floors

Susan Howell

The 2023 Jeep Wrangler presents two new factory-set up alternatives: washout flooring and weatherproof seats. The hefty-obligation flooring ($995) and heavy-responsibility seats ($1695) are now obtainable to purchase on sure four-doorway Wranglers. Jeep seems to be responding to related features already readily available on the Ford Bronco. Jeep lovers might […]

The 9 Seats for a Better Bathroom

Susan Howell

The Best Toilet Seats in 2023: The 9 Seats for a Better Bathroom <h2 class=”body-h2″>What to Consider</h2><p>Before deciding on the toilet seat for your bathroom, it is important to consider several factors including the type of seat, the material it’s made out of, and any number of additional features.</p><h3 class=”body-h3″>Shape</h3><p>The […]